Friday 25 November 2016

Easy Way to Treat Too Much Acid in Stomach

When the acidic level in the body is higher than normal or Ph balance lowers than regular cause acidic secretion in the body. It is mostly known as acidic stomach. This causes burning of stomach, abdominal pain, nausea, regurgitation, gastritis or stomach bloating. It is a condition like peptic ulcer or acid reflux. Excess too much stomach acid occurs because of hyperchlorhydria infection or the uses of NSAID’s. When there is a reflux of acid and flow upward in the esophagus causes acidic stomach.

 Reasons of Excess Stomach Acid

·         There are so many reasons to reflux the acid in the esophagus like spicy food, oily food, caffeinated drinks, and carbonated beverages known as irritants in the body.
·         Fatty foods and excess dairy products like cheese, butter, and junk food can cause stomach burning condition.
·         Gum, tobacco, alcohol, betel leaf chewing altogether can occur abdominal pain problem.

Remedies for Excess Stomach Acid

Avoid taking tobacco; alcohols which are acidic decrease the metabolism and indigestion.
·         Please do not take lots of meal at one time. Take a proper diet chart; do not keep your stomach empty. Please take the proper breakfast, lunch and dinner in the regular time.
·         Please avoid using water after meal, just gargle the mouth and take a glass of water after half n hour of meal.
·         Avoid sleeping or lying after meal.
·         Take some time and start doing exercise. It will improve the stomach metabolism and also helps you to remove the bad carbon dioxide from the body.

Medications for Excess Stomach Acid

Antacids are most probably preferred to remove the acetic acid applications condition. Rabeprazole, Pantaprazole, Ranitidine all are proton pump inhibitors. All these are used to block the proton pump and reflux acid into esophagus. In H.Pylori infection please consult the Dr and take a proper treatment for gastritis. If NSAIDs causes gastric problems, change the drugs or discontinue these drugs.
So here is the important information about how acid concrete in the body and what are the remedies for burning stomach conditions.

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