Thursday, 5 May 2016

CBSE Results Check online 2016

The official notification of Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET) 2016 to become conducted by Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) continues to be released. The exam is scheduled for being conducted on February 21 and September 18.

The detailed schedule of test to become conducted in February is going to be notified shortly at or HPBOSE 12th Result 2016 had declared the CTET September 2016 result on October 30. The exam was conducted on September 20 at various centres.

GSEB Results Check online

The full version on the anthem will be played about the following occasions including "civil and military investitures, national salute, during parades, on arrival in the President at formal state functions, When the national flag is brought about parade, if your regimental shirt is presented etc.

The full version from the anthem have to be played coupled with mass singing around the unfurling in the national flag, on cultural occasions or ceremonial functions in addition to parades additionally, on MP Board 12th Result  in the President at any government or public function, the instructions read.

CBSE Results 2016

CBSE has asked schools to sing the national anthem in proper manner and sing becoming stated inside constitution of India. Board has given guidelines on the way to sing the anthem including time duration the place that the national anthem is usually to be sung.

In all schools, the day's work can start with community singing from the anthem. School authorities should make adequate provision within their programmes for popularizing the singing in the anthem and promoting respect with the national flag among students.